
  • R .B. Issayeva Аl-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • G .T. Tashenova Аl-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Laimute Vaideline Lithuanian University of Health Sciences,Vilnius,Lithuania
  • A .Zh. Akhenbekova Аl-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • R.Z. Boranbaeva Research Center for Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

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autonomic disorders, schoolchildren, gender, forms(grades), age.


High prevalence of autonomic dysfunction syndrome in schoolchildren was found, the specifics of its clinical presentation with identification of the most salient symptoms are given. The purpose of the work was to find the occurrence of NS (nervous system) functional disorders in various age groups, with gender differences noted, among schoolchildren of secondary schools in Almaty. The NS dysfunction was assessed using questionnaires in 1827 schoolchildren (966 girls –52.87%, 861 boys –47.12%) 7–17 years old, attending the secondary schools in Almaty. As a result, we found numerous NS functional disorders among 56,8% of adolescents. Manifestations of vegetative instability were expressed as headaches in 44.5% of children, drowsiness in 53.8% of cases, complaints of fatigue and weakness in 56.8% of children. Complaints of sleep disturbance were recorded in 32% of schoolchil-dren, a greater number of complaints of syncope were received in the tenth grade from girls - 22%. Cardialgia, as a manifestation of NDC and adaptive-adaptive mechanisms of the body, occurred in 20.4% of cases.


How to Cite

Issayeva, R. .B., Tashenova, G. .T., Vaideline, L., Akhenbekova, A. .Zh., & Boranbaeva, R. (2020). AUTONOMIC DYSFUNCTION IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Medicine, 1(1), 34–44.