
  • Zh. I Rysbaeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • G. A. Karkimbayeva KazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • M. A Amkhadova Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after N.F. Vladimirsky, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • A.A. Amzeyeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

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quality of life, dental morbidity, hygiene, housing and living conditions, nutrition.


According to the results of the survey, sanitary and educational work is carried out at a low level and children are motivated to improve their dental health. The high dental morbidity was also influenced by the child's nutrition. We found out that the diet of children mainly consists of easily digestible and soft food. On the contrary, in the use of hard food, which requires careful chewing, there are difficulties in 86.0% of cases.  Undoubtedly, the high incidence was influenced by bad habits in 54.0% of cases and somatic pathology in children of the studied region. When determining the quality of life, it turned out that the material and housing conditions of students ' stay were partially satisfactory-34 (68.0%) and satisfactory - 15 (30.0%), there was not always hot water, toilets were outside the house, but 98.0% of cases almost had cold water in the house.According to the results of the survey, the quality of life scores of children in the region were calculated, which amounted to 28.6 points for boys and 30.3 points for girls, which corresponds to a low level of quality of life. It follows from the above that it is necessary to carry out large-scale preventive work, which consists in observing and improving the basics of hygiene literacy among children and parents, increasing motivation to carry out therapeutic and preventive measures.


How to Cite

Rysbaeva, Z. I., Karkimbayeva, . G. A., Amkhadova, . M. A., & Amzeyeva, . A. (2021). DETERMINING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN CHILDREN KYZYLORDA REGION. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Medicine, 2(1), 10–18.